Mother Who Abandoned Newborn in Plastic Bag Learns Her Sentence

Mother Who Abandoned Newborn in Plastic Bag Learns Her Sentence

The mother from Georgia who gave birth to a newborn girl and then abandoned her in the woods while she was still inside a plastic bag together with her umbilical cord is in the process of being sentenced to prison.

According to court papers that were obtained, Karima Jiwani, who is 41 years old, was sentenced to 15 years in jail followed by another 15 years of probation after she pled guilty to criminal attempt to commit murder and first-degree cruelty to minors. The punishment was handed down by a judge last week. In the month of June 2019, Jiwani abandoned the newborn. Without the presence of teens who lived in the vicinity and happened to hear the girl sobbing, it is highly possible that the girl would have perished in the woods of Forsyth County by herself.

In order to locate the girl’s mother, the investigators gave her the nickname “Baby India” and began their search. After almost four years, the police were able to determine that Jiwani was the mother by using DNA.

On the evening of June 6, 2019, two adolescents grew concerned when they heard what they believed to be the sound of a baby screaming in the woods next to their residence. This information was originally reported International. After some time, they informed their father, who at first believed the sound to be that of an animal. Subsequently, the family began examining their land as well as the forests that were nearby. After a few minutes, they discovered the infant.

At the press conference that was held in 2023 to announce Jiwani’s arrest, Forsyth County Sheriff Ron Freeman stated, “This child was tied up in a plastic bag and thrown into the woods like a bag of trash.” “That is hard for me to comprehend.”

The infant was transported to a nearby hospital and given the name “India” despite the fact that there was no identification on him or her.

Throughout the entirety of the press conference, Freeman only referred to Jiwani as India’s “biological parent.” He stated that he has difficulty stating that the suspect is actually India’s mother. At the time, he stated that the infant was in good health and was doing well. Currently, she is five years old.

The emotive statement that Freeman made was, “How a parent, and I happen to be one too, can do such a callous thing is both incomprehensible to all of us, and it is infuriating.” I am very perplexed by any possible line of logic that might be present, as well as the idea that a someone could have the ability to abandon their own child to die.

Through collaboration with Othram Labs, the sheriff’s office was able to determine the identities of India’s biological parents, which finally allowed the detectives to investigate the case and make an arrest. In-house processing of evidence is something that Othram Labs “uniquely offers,” including DNA extraction, enrichment, and repair, as well as sequencing and genealogical techniques.

Deputy sheriffs of Forsyth County stated that they were able to identify India’s father at the beginning of 2022. They then shifted their attention to Jiwani by conducting surveillance and collecting data on her in order to positively identify her as the mother and demonstrate that she was the one who committed the act of abandoning India.

It has been confirmed by the sheriff that there is “zero evidence” that Baby India’s biological father was aware of the pregnancy or that he abandoned the little child. Investigators have stated that the evidence gathered from the crime site indicates that there was most likely only one individual present.

According to the explanation provided by the detectives, Jiwani has a history of “hidden and concealed pregnancies.” They stated that after conducting interviews with relatives and friends, she was aware of India’s pregnancy and went to great lengths to conceal it. When asked further, the sheriff stated that Jiwani had a number of “surprise births.”

During the time that she was taken into custody, Jiwani was residing with her other children.

The statement made by Sheriff Freeman was that “no motive can justify this decision.” “It is without a doubt one of the most heartbreaking things I have ever witnessed.”

One of the cops who taken Jiwani into custody was the deputy who was responsible for India’s rescue. In order to make the arrest, the officers utilized the sheriff’s handcuffs.

A contribution was made by Vanessa Bein to this story.

‘Like a bag of trash’: Mom who dumped newborn in woods wrapped in plastic bag to die receives fate.

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