Living on the Edge: New Jersey Ranks Among the Riskiest States—Are You a True Jersey Daredevil?

Living on the Edge: New Jersey Ranks Among the Riskiest States—Are You a True Jersey Daredevil?

Oh boy. I may have to give up my Jersey card.

I thought I was doing well. Born and raised right here in the Garden State (Freehold Township, baby!), I figured I had all the qualifications necessary to be a certified Jersey risk-taker.

I mean, I avoid pumping my own gas like the plague. That’s classic New Jersey behavior, right? Plus, I once took out a deer on Route 195. If that doesn’t give me some serious Jersey street cred, what does?

Turns out, I might not belong in the ranks of the truly reckless after all.

A new study just came out ranking states based on their residents’ willingness to take everyday risks. The findings suggest New Jersey is filled with thrill-seekers, and, well, that’s just not me. The survey, conducted by Deadspin, polled thousands of people across the country to determine which states take the most risks—not necessarily jumping out of airplanes or bungee jumping, but more mundane gambles like running red lights, eating expired food, or delaying doctor visits.

Are New Jerseyans Really That Risky?

According to the study, 73% of New Jerseyans occasionally eat expired food, and 14% do it at least once a month. Now, does this count? Because if so, I might be more of a daredevil than I thought!

Take, for instance, my habit of scavenging leftover food at work. The Ewing Diner (LOVE them from my TCNJ days) often drops off food at the radio station for the morning show. By the time I get to it, hours have passed, but that doesn’t stop me from snacking on a 10-hour-old bagel. See? I can be reckless too!

The Risk Factors That Defined the Rankings

The study examined several factors that define everyday risk-taking, including:

  • Eating expired food
  • Using a cell phone while driving
  • Putting off medical appointments
  • Exceeding the speed limit by 10 mph (Let’s be real—this is New Jersey. We must dominate this category!)
  • Taking shortcuts through poorly lit areas
  • Running red lights
  • Getting into a car with a stranger
  • Taking physical risks to capture the perfect photo

New Jerseyans excelled in many of these categories, particularly speeding and distracted driving. But let’s not be too proud of that!

The Most Risk-Taking States in America

When all was said and done, New Jersey landed at #10 on the list of most risk-taking states. Here’s how the full top ten shook out:

  1. West Virginia
  2. Utah
  3. Iowa
  4. Tennessee
  5. Nebraska
  6. Colorado
  7. New York
  8. Connecticut
  9. California
  10. New Jersey

So, we’re pretty badass. Not the most reckless, but still living on the edge more than most states.

Do I Belong in This Category?

After seeing these rankings, I started questioning my own risk-taking habits. Sure, I’ve eaten food past its prime and driven a little fast on the Parkway, but do I really embody the spirit of a true New Jersey daredevil?

I think the key takeaway here is that New Jerseyans aren’t necessarily adrenaline junkies, but we do take calculated risks in everyday life. Whether it’s speeding down the Turnpike, braving expired leftovers, or dodging deer on the highway, we know how to navigate risks in our own way.

So, do I make the cut as a true New Jersey risk-taker? Maybe not in the traditional sense, but I think my 10-hour-old bagel and I still deserve honorary mention.

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