Semi Driver Forces Mom and Toddler Off the Road and Into a Pond, Keeps Driving

Semi Driver Forces Mom and Toddler Off the Road and Into a Pond, Keeps Driving

He allegedly altered lanes and pushed a mother and her child, who was three years old, to deviate off a highway, smashing into a pond that ran alongside the road, and then continued on his route to make a planned delivery. The driver of a semitruck, who is 69 years old, has been accused of committing a hit-and-run accident in the state of Florida.

According to the announcement made by the authorities, Alton Winters, who is from Florida, was taken into custody on Monday and charged with one count of leaving the scene of an accident with injuries. Additionally, he was issued a penalty for incorrect lane change.

The Martin County Sheriff’s Office issued a press statement stating that deputies went to reports of a collision along Kanner Highway at approximately nine o’clock in the morning on February 17 when they received the information. When first responders arrived to the scene, they discovered the victims, whose vehicle was still buried in the water of the pond.

The preliminary inquiry revealed that the woman was behind the wheel when she “was struck by a semi-truck that was switching lanes.” The officials stated that this occurred after the collision. According to reports, the truck “forced her off of the road and into a pond” as a result of the incident.

According to the statement that was included in the press release sent by the sheriff’s office, “Witnesses reported that the impact caused the car to veer off the road and into the water.” It is a fortunate circumstance that the mother was able to rescue both herself and her child from the vehicle and make it to the bank successfully.

As the person who was driving the truck, Winters was able to be identified by the investigators. Following the collision with the mother and her child, Winters allegedly “slowed down briefly but then drove off to a local produce company” where he was supposed to make a delivery. This was according to the authorities.

Approximately a short time later, the authorities were successful in locating Winters, and officers from the Stuart Police Department were able to take him into jail. It is stated that Winters informed the authorities that he continued driving after he had collided with the other vehicle because “he had to make a delivery.”

Both the mother and her infant were sent to a nearby hospital for medical attention after being escorted there. The authorities reported that they had only sustained minor injuries.

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